State Delegates

Delegates are chosen by each jurisdiction’s licensing board or regulatory agency and must be a member of the board or agency as a Licensed Professional Counselor, Public Member or Board Staff to serve as the delegate.

AlabamaDr. Latofia Parker
ArizonaTobi Zavala
ArkansasJustin Moore
ColoradoReina Sbarbaro-Godon
ConnecticutChris Andresen
DelawareAlison Warren
District of Columbia
FloridaAshleigh Irving
GeorgiaTom Black
IndianaKimble Richardson
IowaDr. Amy Mooney
KansasLaura Shaughnessy
KentuckyDr. Andrea Brooks
LouisianaJamie Doming
MaineEllen Grunblatt
MarylandDr. Lisa Connors
MinnesotaSamantha Strehlo
MississippiLeeAnn Mordecai
MissouriGloria Lindsey
MontanaCarol Staben Burroughs
NebraskaSusan Meyerle
New HampshireBethany Cottrell
New JerseyMilagros Collazo
North CarolinaDr. Denauvo Robinson
North DakotaLisa Holter
OhioBrian Carnahan
OklahomaDr. Johnie Fredman
Rhode IslandMichael Bibeault
South CarolinaJennifer Jordan
South DakotaJennifer Stalley
TennesseeKim Speakman
UtahJana Johansen
VermontJennifer Colin
VirginiaJaime Hoyle, JD
WashingtonLana Crawford
West VirginiaTony Onorato
WisconsinDr. Tim Strait
WyomingCarlos Gomez

Nahale Kalfas is the compact’s Legal Counsel.

CLEAR Association Management Services (CAMS) is the Compact’s secretariat.

Greg Searls is the Compact’s Executive Director.