Delegates are chosen by each jurisdiction’s licensing board or regulatory agency and must be a member of the board or agency as a Licensed Professional Counselor, Public Member or Board Staff to serve as the delegate.
State | Delegate |
Alabama | Dr. Latofia Parker |
Arizona | Tobi Zavala |
Arkansas | Justin Moore |
Colorado | Reina Sbarbaro-Godon |
Connecticut | Chris Andresen |
Delaware | Alison Warren |
District of Columbia | |
Florida | Ashleigh Irving |
Georgia | Tom Black |
Indiana | Kimble Richardson |
Iowa | Dr. Amy Mooney |
Kansas | Laura Shaughnessy |
Kentucky | Dr. Andrea Brooks |
Louisiana | Jamie Doming |
Maine | Ellen Grunblatt |
Maryland | Dr. Lisa Connors |
Minnesota | Samantha Strehlo |
Mississippi | LeeAnn Mordecai |
Missouri | Gloria Lindsey |
Montana | Carol Staben Burroughs |
Nebraska | Susan Meyerle |
New Hampshire | Bethany Cottrell |
New Jersey | Milagros Collazo |
North Carolina | Dr. Denauvo Robinson |
North Dakota | Lisa Holter |
Ohio | Brian Carnahan |
Oklahoma | Dr. Johnie Fredman |
Rhode Island | Michael Bibeault |
South Carolina | Jennifer Jordan |
South Dakota | Jennifer Stalley |
Tennessee | Kim Speakman |
Utah | Jana Johansen |
Vermont | Jennifer Colin |
Virginia | Jaime Hoyle, JD |
Washington | Lana Crawford |
West Virginia | Tony Onorato |
Wisconsin | Dr. Tim Strait |
Wyoming | Carlos Gomez |
Nahale Kalfas is the compact’s Legal Counsel.
CLEAR Association Management Services (CAMS) is the Compact’s secretariat.
Greg Searls is the Compact’s Executive Director.